December 19, 2012

Kids say the darndest things...

I went through our facebook pages and compiled a list of all the funny things our kids have said that we made note of over the last year. I'm sure there's MUCH more, but I don't remember them all...

December 7, 2012
Chloe was playing on the tablet...
Rob: "What are you watching on youtube?"
Chloe: "I'm watching videos on metube!"

November 6, 2012
Chloe: "Hey Mom, do we have crackers?"
Me: "Yeah, Daddy bought some last night."
Chloe: "Oh, that's a clever Daddy!"

October 27, 2012
While carving pumpkins this year, I said something undoubtedly hilarious, to which Brooklyn just rolled her eyes. I said, "Ya know, one day, you're going to think I'm cool. Maybe not soon, but one day." To which she replied, "I seriously doubt it." She got a few laughs...

October 19, 2012
Rob gave Chloe a butter mint. She said it tasted like chapstick.

October 8, 2012
On the way home from her 1st gymnastics class, Chloe said, in a very disappointed tone, "Hey, I didn't get a gold medal!"

September 17, 2012
Chloe wakes me up telling me that she cut her hair. I asked why, she said she was trying to color and it was in her way. So she cut about 7-8 inches off each side :(  It was a very sad day for me.

August 31, 2012
Today Chloe asked me a question, and I nodded. Then she looked at me and said, "Mommy, use your words."

August 9, 2012
On the way home from a Chukars game, Chloe sang "Who let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Who let the cats out? Meow. Meow".

July 26, 2012
Me: "Chloe, did you know you're almost 3?!"
Chloe: "yeah! Can I get a tattoo?"
She must be mine.

July 20, 2012
I told Chloe we're having mini corndogs for lunch, and she said she doesn't want them, she wants Mickey corndogs.

July 6, 2012
We're in the car, and Like a G6 is on the radio, Chloe starts singing along, "like a cheese stick".   

July 4, 2012
During the fireworks, they played God Bless America. Chloe put her arm around me, swayed to the music, and sang, "God bless fireworks".

June 17, 2012
(from Rob)
While the kids were playing in their room, I overheard my son say "You can use your baby as a weapon". I'm not sure if I should be concerned.

June 10, 2012
Leaving the hotel in Boise after Randy & Danielle's wedding...
This morning I told Chloe, "you get to sleep in your own bed tonight, won't that be nice?" and she said, "yeah, this place is dangerous!"

May 26, 2012
Hailey is a little fussy in the car and Chloe keeps saying, "chillax Hailey, chillax."

March 10, 2012
While we were in the hospital with Hailey when she had RSV. This is from Lisa...
Today Chloe told me, I miss mommy and daddy. I really miss baby Hailey! I see them later? I told her she could and she asked, Hailey hurt hers foot? I said yes, her foot hurts and she said, aw! Poor baby Hailey! They fix it at the hosapello! (hospital) She is so sweet!!

February 17,  2012     
Chloe is excited to go to the Dr today because we get to hear Hailey's "hotbeep"

January 8, 2012
Rob: Chloe, are you a Daddy's girl?
Chloe: No, I'm Dragon Chloe.


December 16, 2012

Learning to write

Lately, Chloe has been really interested in learning to write her name, and everyone else's. I think she's doing an amazing job for her age! She wrote this one all by herself and then came and showed me!

December 15, 2012

Show off day

Chloe had her first Show off day for gymnastics. It was so cute to see all the little kids tumbling around. She absolutely LOVES gymnastics! I'm glad we got her into it. They started first with their floor routines. Then we split up into classes and they showed off their skills on the balance beam, the bar, and the trampoline. Then at the end they all got to stand up on the podium and do their champion pose and get a certificate!


My mom mentioned to me that Brooklyn had asked if she would teach her to make paper snowflakes because she saw some in a window. We ended up not having time and my parents had to leave before we got to make them. Later that evening, we all sat down in the living room and made snowflakes together. Hailey was content sitting in her highchair and watching. The kids had so much fun and made some really good ones! We hung them up in the living room window and on our front door.