I'm terrible at keeping this thing updated. It just seems there's not a lot to talk about in our lives.
Brooklyn started kindergarten this year and she absolutely loves it! She also lost her first tooth last week and can't wait to come back and show us "where it isn't anymore".
We've been car shopping lately...it's difficult! This is the first time I've ever looked for a car. We have a small budget, but need something big enough for all 3 carseats. It's tough to find something decent. We also have to think about if/when we have another baby, we'll need something even bigger.
We're moving out of our apartment and into a house! I'm really excited about that. We were supposed to move this weekend, but it looks like now we'll be moving the beginning of next week. I'm seriously lacking the motivation to pack...that's my least favorite part of moving.
My oldest brother, Chad, is getting married next weekend. I'm really excited for him and excited to have Tasha as a new sister-in-law!
Chloe will be a year old in about a week and a half! I don't know where the time has gone! I can't believe it's already been a year and it kind of makes me sad. I miss her being a tiny baby, but she's growing up so fast and she's so adorable! She waves and claps, dances anytime there's music, she's still such a happy baby! She has 6 teeth now and loves to show them off! She crawls after Riddick up and down the halls, it's funny. She's also walking along everything, she walks if you hold her hands, but she hasn't tried taking a step on her own yet.